Township Hall

The Ozawkie Township Hall offers affordable facilities with a full kitchen for holding family reunions, club meetings, wedding receptions and much more. To inquire about available dates and times, please contact Jamie Klenklen: PH: 785-224-9011

Community Center Rental Agreement

Community Center Cleaning Checklist

Using the Township Hall

The Ozawkie Township Board is pleased to provide the Township Hall as a convenient, low-cost location for family and local organizational functions.  In order to be of the greatest service to all, we ask that you adhere to the following requests:


  • Parking is provided along south side of Township Hall and appropriately in front of building.
  • Please do not park vehicles in front of the Fire Department doors, or along the west side of Kiowa Drive.  In case of an emergency, the Fire Department does not have time to wait for someone to move his or her car.  Violators may be ticketed!

Tables and Chairs:

  • Please do not remove any tables or chairs from the premises.  There is adequate seating provided for most gatherings.
    • 9 – Round Tables
    • 4 – 8ft Tables
    • 7 – 6ft Tables
    • 112 Chairs
  • If you bring in additional equipment for your group, be sure it is clearly identified so it can be easily separated when you leave.
  • Please try to avoid sliding tables and chairs across the floor.  Doing so not only leaves unsightly marks on the floor, it also weakens the locking mechanisms on the tables.  Tables are sometimes surprisingly easy to damage when dropped, so please, BE CAREFUL!

Damage to Facility: Any damage to facility or its contents incurred during the rental and use of this property is the responsibility of the renter. A certificate of insurance may be requested. Any damage or broken items need to be reported to Jamie Klenklen.

Cleanup and Care of Facility: Follow the Community Center Cleaning Check List. You can find a printable copy above as well as posted on the refrigerator in the kitchen.