City of Ozawkie

Lake Living at its Best!

Complaint Form

The City of Ozawkie strives to maintain a clean and peaceful city for all residents and visitors to enjoy. Please be respectful of your neighbors so that they too may enjoy their lives here.

Unfortunately, there are times when a complaint might be necessary to resolve a situation whether it be a barking dog or other disturbing noise,  unsightly yard, health code or other ordinance violation. We take all complaints seriously and try to resolve them in a peaceful manner first.


To print and mail or hand deliver a the complaint form, please save a copy of the Complaint Form PDF to your computer, fill out the form (please type in form fields for clarity), print, then sign. You may then email it as an attachment or bring in to the city office at 524 Kiowa Drive.

If you do not have a printer, please come down to the city office and we will supply you with a Complaint Form to fill out.

The city can act upon the complaint only after a formal complaint is made in writing to ensure that it is a legitimate complaint.


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